Business & Investors


Promotional tax measures – e-Withholding Tax
Private sector businesses must submit withholding tax
Opening Rental Rates – Fees of State Property in the Special Economic Development Zone.
Investment in the Special Economic Development Zone by the Treasury Department will entice investors to develop state property land.
How do foreigners trade in Thai stocks pay taxes?
Investing in the Stock Exchange of Thailand is another investment channel.
The Thai stock market adjusts the criteria for foreign companies to be listed.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand has revised the rules.
From ASEAN to RCEP, what are the benefits for investors?
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).
Made in RCEP, what tax benefits do you get ?
After the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) comes into force.
Determination of fees for the operation of a health establishment
The Minister of Public Health has issued a ministerial regulation on fees and payment of fees for the operation of a health establishment B.E. 2560 (2017)
Open the E-Service Tax Law Digital Platform Developers Should Know
Nowadays, as the online platform business is popular and tends to expand more around  the world, including Thailand
Cost of foreign business licenses in Thailand
The Ministry of Commerce issued the Ministerial Regulation Prescribing Fees for the Operation of Foreign Business B.E. 2544 (2001),
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